Just put it out there already. Publish it. Edits can always be done later.

Dr Tara B
3 min readApr 24, 2021
“Like YOU, Every Sunrise & Sunset are Unique” a Naples Fl Sunset by Dr. Tara Brooke

It is an evolutionary process on an exponential level (called Moore’s Law) with anything internet related; meanwhile — ‘you’ are the only YOU.

I have not gone through and edited my first memoir/story here on Medium and that will likely be the case with this one as well. My initial story I wrapped up writing in the middle of the night over a week ago and I have zero doubt it needs refining & cleaning up. I simply don’t want to cringe as I read it until ready to dig my nails in to polish it up right then and there. I also realize even as I do that it still may not result in the FINAL version.

What I DO know is that it is more important that a person get their work out there asap. Unlike any other time in human history and being in the midst of exponential growth of the digital age, anything you initially put out there is NOT engraved in stone nor printed on paper (unless these are literally the case) without ability to edit. Whatever you initially publish is NOT what you and others who read your words — are stuck with forever.

If you await your own self judgement of what you esteem as perfect; and most of us are perfectionists when it comes to ourselves and any work that



Dr Tara B

Tara is a lover of life, a mom, travel enthusiast with a soul-bit of wanderlust, a naturopathic physician seeing people by referral & would 💗 to hear from U.